Sunday, April 25, 2010

Days 24 & 25

Well, once again work interferred with my ability to post anything here! Maybe it is a good thing I will be transforming this into a regular blog--at least that way people won't be too disappointed when a day is missing!

So, I went to the gym as planned yesterday. I know I have only been a few times, but I already feel like there is a difference. I can't put my finger on it exactly, but I like it! I followed the exercises (again) as prescribed by my trainer. I am going to go again tomorrow...

I won't weigh myself, I have decided, until my next appointment with my personal trainer. My pants already feel a little looser, even though I can feel the bloat setting in that comes along with the "monthly visitor" (girls, are you with me here?). Even though I am PMSing, I still feel like I am making progress, which feels good!

The only tricky part lately for me is keeping track of my calories. I find myself spending a lot of time trying to find out the caloric count for the food I want to pack for my lunches, etc. When youu are trying to keep your calories within a certain range, it makes all the difference in the world if something has 50 or 100 calories! I am sure some of this will become second nature eventually, but it is hard to go from not paying any attention to what you eat to suddenly looking at everything you eat!

Been drinking my water and I have been fortunate enough the last few days at work to be able to drink the water and use the bathroom. Ah, the luxuries in life...

I know this is a short post, but work calls yet again. I've added a new poll--since I already asked what the worst fat-free food you have tasted is, I thought I would see if anyone had thoughts on what the best tasting were. Please answer the poll and leave a comment or two--I love to hear from you!

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't -- you are right."

1 comment:

  1. - probably my lifesaver when it comes to calorie counting. I'm sure everyone has their favourite, but that's mine. And you're right, it does become second nature. I've found that since I tend to eat a lot of the same foods, I just keep a book in which I mark down the calorie counts for my most common foods, and now I can actually plan my meals while driving in the car I know most of them that well!

    Glad to hear you're enjoying the gym! It becomes addictive! Just wait until you start seeing results (and then you become like me and start poking muscles)!

