Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 12

Well, it finally happened--I reached my "I really don't care" day. I am sure some of it is just plain exhaustion from my last few days of work, but today I just did not care one bit about "watching" what I eat, etc.

Another reason may be that I jumped on the scale. I know today was not weigh-in, but it was sitting there and curiosity got the better of me. Nothing. By that I mean that I have not lost any more weight since my last weigh-in. I couldn't have been more disappointed. How can that be? I have given up my coffee drinks (which I keep missing terribly) and have been eating so much better than I have for a very long time. I know I can't expect instant results, but I really expected to see the scale move at least a pound. It has just been one of those days where I felt like I was trying so hard for nothing. And it is only day 12!

So, I starting thinking that maybe what I have been doing for the last week isn't working. Maybe I need to go back to the meat-beans-veggies only diet. But of course I know that won't last for too long for me. So then I started to think about some quick-fix, fad diets. You know--the cabbage soup diet or drinking just Slim-fast for the next week. Because, in all honesty, I am worried that my next weigh-in is coming up and I will have to face everyone who reads this and have to explain why I haven't lost any more weight. That, and I just want to get the damned weight off!

After pondering those options for awhile, I wondered how many other people have used a "fad" diet for weight loss in the past (or maybe even presently??) It sounded like a good poll so please take a moment to answer this question.

Anyway, back to my I found myself frustrated and actually angry today. Again, I am sure exhaustion has a role in this, but I just wasn't in the mood to "do the right thing" diet-wise. I sort of felt like there was no point--I wasn't getting anywhere. So in my "screw it" mind-set, I blew it today. I suppose I will look at today as my "free day" and pick it up tomorrow, but I still feel pretty crappy. I had my Starbucks. I ate Chinese take-out. I had some Junior mints. And I didn't really care today.

I am sure I will pay the price for it, but for right now all I can do is re-commit and start afresh tomorrow. What's done is done, right?

I will be able to go to the gym tomorrow as well, so hopefully that will help me get back on track. I still haven't ruled out a day or two of cabbage soup! I just hope tomorrow brings a brighter outlook.

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't -- you are right."

1 comment:

  1. Everyone has these days!! Don't beat yourself up over them, and don't let them derail you completely. No diet works if you expect yourself to be 100% all the time, because then as soon as you fail, you're tempted to throw in the towel. Aim for an average of 80& - which means if you're 100% most days, you're allowed a day where you're only 50 or 60%. Just shake it off and go back to what you were doing the next day.

    The crappy part of being female is that so much can affect at number on the scale - hormones, water retention, anything. Put your scale somewhere you aren't tempted to step on it and frustrate yourself.

    As for those fad diets - I've done them. All of them. For the last ten years. And I might have lost some weight, but it didn't stay off. Because they aren't *sustainable*. You're on the right track with what you're doing. Don't jump off because off a bad day. And cabbage soup tastes like crap.

    Go for a walk and shake it off,
