Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 9

This post is late since I have been called into work again. I am beginning to understand why people in my line of work tend to gain weight!

This post will be really short like Day8 since there isn't much to talk about--well, nothing related to this blog anyway.

I whipped up a batch of vegetable soup. Really quick, really easy. And there is enough to get me through the next few days. I will try to post the recipe on my Day 10 post. It tastes so good that I forget just how good for me it really is. I don't feel like I am missing out when I eat it.

Breakfast was a quick bowl of High Fiber oatmeal before I had to dash out the door. Then because I was on-call and didn't have the option of bringing food (no place to store, heat or refrigerate), the only option available to me was fast-food. I stuck with the Taco Bell fresco menu and my chicken soft tacos. Yummy! When I finally came back to where I could access my food, I selected a frozen Lean Cuisine entree. Had some vegetable soup in between.

My water consumption was sorely lacking today since I just flat out didn't have time to drink as much (or use the facilities, if you know what I mean). I felt the effects, too. I felt more tired and felt thirsty. Not something I plan to duplicate tomorrow!

That's about all I have time for now. I am not real happy about these short posts, but life doesn't stop for a blog!

Until tomorrow....

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't -- you are right."

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